Yet another (LabVIEW) blog

JKI Flat UI Controls Toolkit


Couple days ago, JKI announced the “JKI Flat UI Controls Toolkit”. It includes more then 120 different customized controls of most common types. They are done in dark and light color themes, and look pretty nice =)

What really makes me happy, is that this toolkit is “free of charge on commercial and non-commercial projects”; and moreover, one has rights to customize them for his needs.

Curious, whether it’ll appear also on GitHub, for more wider contribution level…

Generally, it looks nice and I liked it a lot, but a little bit strange, that switching of radio buttons groups is slow – when one selects different selector, boolean text changes with some small delay. But I guess that maybe in the future it’ll be fixed; b/c as JKI claims now – it’s just an initial release.

So, go ahead and download the toolkit!

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